Dear Abby's best answers/comebacks

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    Internet Fact Checker
    • Dec 2002
    • 21193
    • Katy, TX, USA.
    • BT3000 vintage 1999

    Dear Abby's best answers/comebacks

    1. Dear Abby:
    My wife sleeps in the raw. Then she showers, brushes her teeth and fixes our breakfast still in the buff. We are newlyweds and there are just the two of us. So I suppose there's nothing really wrong with it. What do you think?

    Dear Ed:
    It's okay with me but tell her to put on an apron when she's frying bacon.

    2. Dear Abby:
    What's the difference between a wife and mistress?

    Dear Bess:
    Night and Day.

    3. Dear Abby:
    About four months ago, the house across the street was sold to a "father and son" or so we thought. We later learned it was an older man about 50 and a young fellow about 24. This was a respectable neighborhood before the "odd couple" moved in. They have all sorts of strange looking company. Men who look like women, women who look like men, black, whites, Indians. Yesterday, I even saw two nuns go in there! Abby, these weirdos are wrecking our property values! How can we improve the quality of this once respectable neighborhood?
    Up in Arms

    Dear Up:
    You could move.

    4. Dear Abby:
    I have always wanted to have my family history traced. But I can't afford to spend a lot of money to do it. Any suggestions?

    Dear M.J.B.:
    Yes, run for public office.

    5. Dear Abby:
    Our son married a girl when he was in the service. They were married in February and she had an 8 1/2 pound baby girl in August. She said the baby was premature. Can an 8 1/2 pound baby be this premature?
    Wanting to Know

    Dear Wanting:
    The baby was on time. The wedding was late. Forget it.
    Loring in Katy, TX USA
    If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat all problems as if they were nails.
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