Tour de Cure

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  • Black wallnut
    cycling to health
    • Jan 2003
    • 4715
    • Ellensburg, Wa, USA.
    • BT3k 1999

    Tour de Cure

    This May 17 I am taking a 100 mile bicycle ride to raise funds and awareness for the American Diabetes Association. This will be the third year in a row for me. I was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic about 4 years ago. The ADA has provided great resources in helping me to manage my disease. Through a better diet and cycling for exercise I am able to control my disease.

    This year I am trying to raise $1000 for this cause. Thanks to the generosity of friends and family I am half way there. Please consider making a donation on my behalf to this worthy cause. Nearly all of us have within our circle of friends someone who is diabetic. I know many of our members are diabetic. You can make a donation by clicking on the red signature badge below or following this link.

    Thank you for your consideration!
    Donate to my Tour de Cure

    marK in WA and Ryobi Fanatic Association State President ©

    Head servant of the forum

    Internet Fact Checker
    • Dec 2002
    • 21193
    • Katy, TX, USA.
    • BT3000 vintage 1999

    good cause. I just donated. Good luck on your ride.
    Loring in Katy, TX USA
    If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat all problems as if they were nails.
    BT3 FAQ -


    • Richard in Smithville
      Veteran Member
      • Oct 2006
      • 3014
      • On the TARDIS
      • BT 3100

      That's fantastic Mark. Kim is diabetic and we give to our Canadian association every year. Best of luck to you!
      From the "deep south" part of Canada

      Richard in Smithville


      • Black wallnut
        cycling to health
        • Jan 2003
        • 4715
        • Ellensburg, Wa, USA.
        • BT3k 1999

        Thanks Loring! Richard your support is appreciated as well. Hope Kim is able to manage her disease.
        Donate to my Tour de Cure

        marK in WA and Ryobi Fanatic Association State President ©

        Head servant of the forum



        • dbhost
          Slow and steady
          • Apr 2008
          • 9277
          • League City, Texas
          • Ryobi BT3100


          Due to previous ADA commitments, a donation under your name is going to have to wait for 2 weeks.

          I believe I have mentioned it previously, but both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes run rampant in our family, and I have many diabetic friends...

          This, and cancer are in the big deal category to our family...
          Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Please check out and subscribe to my Workshop Blog.


          • Black wallnut
            cycling to health
            • Jan 2003
            • 4715
            • Ellensburg, Wa, USA.
            • BT3k 1999

            dbhost thanks for considering it. The ride is not until May and the fundraising website will be up for at least a month past the ride.
            Donate to my Tour de Cure

            marK in WA and Ryobi Fanatic Association State President ©

            Head servant of the forum



            • Black wallnut
              cycling to health
              • Jan 2003
              • 4715
              • Ellensburg, Wa, USA.
              • BT3k 1999

              An update. As of this last weekend I am 91% of my goal. Thanks so much to all my family and friends who have donated. I am training hard for this event and after reviewing the route description it looks like I should be.
              Donate to my Tour de Cure

              marK in WA and Ryobi Fanatic Association State President ©

              Head servant of the forum



              • Black wallnut
                cycling to health
                • Jan 2003
                • 4715
                • Ellensburg, Wa, USA.
                • BT3k 1999

                I am still at 91%. However I'd like to take this opportunity to let a little bit of myself out there. Today as I was getting ready to go for a ride on my bike I read that first my Uncle Mike was rushed to the hospital and then that he had passed. He and I share diabetes. We are the only ones in our family with this disease. His disease was much worse than mine and I am sure that it contributed to his death, if not an out right cause.

                He will be missed. When I was a young man he and I shared a passion for fishing. I will forever regret not going fishing with him more than I did.

                Cycling for me is one of my prime weapons against this disease. I am honored to be able to raise money for the folks that are daily looking for a cure and taking care of the needs of those of us with this disease. I am so thankful for the wonderful people of BT3Central. Without my friends here my fundraising would be a fraction of what it is.
                Donate to my Tour de Cure

                marK in WA and Ryobi Fanatic Association State President ©

                Head servant of the forum


