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  • crokett
    The Full Monte
    • Jan 2003
    • 10627
    • Mebane, NC, USA.
    • Ryobi BT3000


    Anybody else watch this show?

    Great episode last night. I love the ending with them doing nurses' duty because they are both so stubborn and childish and Wilson just laughing.

    The chief cause of failure in this life is giving up what you want most for what you want at the moment.
  • DaveS
    • May 2003
    • 596
    • Minneapolis,MN

    Yep, we watch this one - for some reason we like it... I'm not sure why.

    But, I'm wondering if I missed one... we watch them on DVR, and we saw an ad for a new episode that was supposed to end with House in some sort of accident. We didn't see that one.

    My wife and I have a running joke, anytime one of us doesn't feel well, or if we hear of someone who is sick (not really sick, just like normal sick) we always say "it could be sarcoidosis", it seems every patient they have on House is tested for this, so it must be common


    • germdoc
      Veteran Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 3567
      • Omaha, NE
      • BT3000--the gray ghost

      I've only seen it once or twice. It is amusing--I think we docs always love a doc on TV or at the movies who's smart but dyspeptic and not the Marcus Welby type. Some of us are like that at times.

      As usual, the medical stuff is pretty far out there and unrealistic. Most diagnoses are not made by brilliant insight but by careful plodding deduction. (I've saved more lives by telling people to get their colonoscopies and vaccinations than by coming up with an amazingly insightful diagnosis.) On the factual level I think it's pretty good and better than most TV shows.

      Hugh Laurie, by the way, played Bernie Wooster in the old PBS series "Wooster and Jeeves", with the amazing Stephen Fry as Jeeves. Laurie was marvelous in that show, and very different from how he comes across on House. If you haven't seen it you should get it on DVD--higly recommended, and completely family friendly.

      Last edited by germdoc; 04-29-2008, 11:10 AM.

      “Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing”--Voltaire


      • Richard in Smithville
        Veteran Member
        • Oct 2006
        • 3014
        • On the TARDIS
        • BT 3100

        Check out this from 1989.

        Funny to think that he talks with an accent when he's on American tv.
        Last edited by Richard in Smithville; 04-29-2008, 02:56 PM.
        From the "deep south" part of Canada

        Richard in Smithville


        • unclecritic
          Forum Newbie
          • Feb 2008
          • 99
          • Michigan
          • Craftsman 21829, (2) bt-3100's

          Loml and I love this show. We sat and watched it from begining to end one weekend and then got pretty perturbed at the writers strike. On one of the dvds there is a behind the scenes with an interview with Hugh Laurie and hes talking with a thick british accent. We looked at eachother and thought he was making fun of the actor that plays Chase.


          • cwithboat
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2008
            • 614
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            • Craftsman Pro 21829

            A new one? It's been almost all (if not all) reruns. Well it should be on the DVR.
            A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.
            Rudyard Kipling


            • Anna
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2006
              • 728
              • CA, USA.
              • BT3100

              Originally posted by germdoc
              Hugh Laurie, by the way, played Bernie Wooster in the old PBS series "Wooster and Jeeves", with the amazing Stephen Fry as Jeeves. Laurie was marvelous in that show, and very different from how he comes across on House. If you haven't seen it you should get it on DVD--higly recommended, and completely family friendly.
              He was also hilarious in The Black Adder series.

              I can never get my husband to watch medical shows. He says he sees enough of those (cases) at work, and he can never stop nitpicking on the wrong diagnoses or procedures in the shows. I guess his drive-by nitpicking (I'm watching TV, he walks by and catches a minute of the show and totally deconstructs it) when I'm watching House turned me off of the show, so I have not seen it in a while. Maybe I should give it another try.


              • MilDoc

                Originally posted by germdoc
                As usual, the medical stuff is pretty far out there and unrealistic. Most diagnoses are not made by brilliant insight ...
                Absolutely true. In addition, on House, some of the diagnoses they come up with make me wince in pain. Absolute nonsense in many cases. They jump from one thing to another with no logic whatsoever, and come up with things that would be very far down on a differential diagnosis list. But, I like House. Mainly because I wish I could be more like him in attitude sometimes!


                • rnelson0
                  Established Member
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 424
                  • Midlothian, VA (Richmond)
                  • Firestorm FS2500TS

                  I can never get my husband to watch medical shows. He says he sees enough of those (cases) at work, and he can never stop nitpicking on the wrong diagnoses or procedures in the shows
                  My wife is the same way, she has a PhD in Genetics but has a lot of preliminary training applicable to an M.D. She can't stand the show or his attitude. Myself, I liked a scene where he's on a video conference during a surgery and yells, "Help, I'm stuck in the TV!"

                  To be fair, I can't stand movies where computers are involved typically because of all the crappy mistakes. Firewall was about the only exception to that - totally incorrect but it never really focused on the technology. My favorite is the magic "enhance" button - when the guys on Law and Order take some $50 dimestore black and white camera and enhance the nametag on someone 100 feet away so that it's legible!


                  • Tom Slick
                    Veteran Member
                    • May 2005
                    • 2913
                    • Paso Robles, Calif, USA.
                    • sears BT3 clone

                    I enjoy house, purely for his attitude, as mentioned the medical stuff is easy to see though.

                    I have a difficult time with tv shows that involve the military. Incorrect uniforms/decorations, non-realistic speech patterns/attitudes (most military folks don't spit out "sir" constantly). The last one I watched had a staff sergent that was walking around at "parade rest".
                    Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison


                    • poolhound
                      Veteran Member
                      • Mar 2006
                      • 3195
                      • Phoenix, AZ
                      • BT3100

                      We are big fans of both the show and Hugh. As Brits who have watched him since his first (primarily comedic) emergence with Stephen Fry we find it funny to see him taking the US TV ratings by storm. There are lots of people over here that still dont believe he is English

                      Phoenix AZ - It's a dry heat

                      We all make mistakes and I should know I've made enough of them


                      • Crash2510
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2006
                        • 830
                        • North Central Ohio

                        love the show never missed an episode

                        Love Hugh Laurie

                        he was in the new flight of the pheonix
                        Phil In Ohio
                        The basement woodworker


                        • Knottscott
                          Veteran Member
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 3815
                          • Rochester, NY.
                          • 2008 Shop Fox W1677

                          Love the show. Been watching since it's debut.
                          Happiness is sort of like wetting your pants....everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.


                          • germdoc
                            Veteran Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 3567
                            • Omaha, NE
                            • BT3000--the gray ghost

                            And of hourse here's Hugh as the Prince Regent in Blackadder 3:

                            BTW inaccuracies on TV medical shows bother me a lot too. I wish they would just hire me as a consultant and we'd clear all that stuff up.

                            My favorites: on a medical show a few years ago countershocks were administered during CPR through the victim's shirt. Maybe because it was a woman and we're talking TV, not R-rated movies. Surprisingly, no smoke came from the electrocuted fabric.

                            And on "ER" a few years ago one of the docs diagnosed and managed an HIV-positive child's cryptococcal meningitis there in the ER over a 24-hr. period or so. I know there are long waiting times in ER's, but I can guarantee that kid would have been out of there to the PEDS ICU pretty quickly. (ER theme song in reality is "Movin', movin', movin', keep those doggies moving"...)

                            Now I wish I had as many women lusting after me as Dr. McDreamy...
                            Last edited by germdoc; 04-30-2008, 09:01 AM.

                            “Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing”--Voltaire

