My wife called him an idiot

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  • Ed62
    The Full Monte
    • Oct 2006
    • 6021
    • NW Indiana
    • BT3K

    My wife called him an idiot

    My wife wanted to go to a fabric store to pick up a few things. I drove her there, and waited in the car until she came out.

    While I was sitting in our car, another car parked in the row in front of us. A couple got out, and the woman looked in the window of the car next to her. That car had been there for quite a while. She said something to her husband, but I didn't hear what she said. They were in and out of the store in nothing flat, and when they left, someone else parked in that spot. Same thing happened. The woman got out, looked in the window of the other car, and I heard her tell her husband that one window was just barely cracked open.

    By now my curiosity was aroused, and I wondered if there was a kid or an animal in the car. I decided to take a look myself. There was a cat on the front seat. The sun was beating down on the parking lot, and it was uncomfortable for me to sit in our car, even though my windows were down. By now, I'm a little p*ssed . I called the police station to report the findings. They told me they would send an officer out.

    My wife was done getting what she needed, and came out to our car. I told her what was happening, and that I'd called the police already. She wanted to take a look herself, and when she was looking through the window, a man and his wife were walking to the car in question. He told my wife that was their baby. My wife told him if that was their baby, maybe they should take better care of it instead of leaving it in a boiling hot car. He told her to mind her own business. As she walked away from him, I heard her call him an idiot (that's not like her).

    She got in the car, and I got out. I told him that was no way to treat an animal. He told me to mind my own business. I told him it was my business, and I told him I called the police. He said he didn't give a sh*t. Just as he was getting ready to back out of the parking spot, I saw the police car coming. I stood behind his car so he couldn't back out without hitting me. The cop told me he couldn't do much about it because they were already in their car, and he didn't see what happened. But he did have a talk with them. They were able to drive away, but maybe next time they'll have second thoughts about leaving an animal in a car with the windows rolled up. My wife was right. The guy's an idiot.

    Do you know about kickback? Ray has a good writeup here...

    For a kickback demonstration video
  • mpc
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2005
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    Good job.

    Animals can't sweat away excess heat... and panting only goes so far. Depending on how many times this has happened, the animal might have been nervous about being left alone in a strange place which of course makes it hotter too. Plus, was there any water in the car for the poor creature? Probably not.

    "Idiot" is too nice a term for such people.



    • ragswl4
      Veteran Member
      • Jan 2007
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      Not enough chlorine in the gene pool when that guy and his wife were conceived. As we all know, or should know, animals depend on us for their well being and they trust us to take care of them. As I age I get more and more incensed by these types of stories. Kudos to your wife and you for taking a stand against TWO idiots.
      Raggy and Me in San Felipe


      • Alex Franke
        Veteran Member
        • Feb 2007
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        Seems like the perfect situation to use the little video cameras built into cell phones now-a-days. I wonder if the cop would have done anything differently if you had video or pictures.

        It reminds me of a *really* nasty look I got a few months ago as I was putting my (human) baby into our trunk. I looked back as I was laying her down just in time to see the car pass behind me and quickly hit the brakes. I think the driver figured out that I wasn't going to leave her in there, though -- if she'd approached the car, I would have been able to hand her the diaper I was changing!

        I see dogs in cars mostly, and it really ticks me off, too. I'm glad you stood up for the animal and tried to do something about it. Maybe next time they'll think twice.
        online at
        while ( !( succeed = try() ) ) ;
        "Life is short, Art long, Occasion sudden and dangerous, Experience deceitful, and Judgment difficult." -Hippocrates


        • BearPipes-1
          Established Member
          • May 2006
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          Good on you for calling the police. Hopefully the officer who came out had a suitable "this isn't meddling" speech.

          Please do be careful in situations like this. If they're willing to flagrantly risk the life of their "baby," who knows what other depravity they're capable of.
          Don't just say no to kickback.


          • Russianwolf
            Veteran Member
            • Jan 2004
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            • One of them there Toy saws

            This is when you should ask the cop about the rules for a citizen's arrest. It would be worth my time to make the guy show up in court and explain it to a judge.
            Lakota's Dad

            If at first you don't succeed, deny you were trying in the first place.


            • Knottscott
              Veteran Member
              • Dec 2004
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              He IS an idiot, and you did the right thing. Maybe they'll at least think twice next time, even if they weren't willing to admit at the time that it wasn't very smart to do.
              Happiness is sort of like wetting your pants....everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.

